Resources + Technology
Simple for everyone, customized to you.
We developed the CustoMetrix platform not just to house our online tools, but also to make every process as simple as possible for our customers. Helping you access your solutions efficiently, CustoMetrix saves you time, costs and headaches, while continuing to provide the highest level of customization available.
Assessment Dashboard
Leaders at your organization will use this dashboard to manage their assessment process from start to finish. They’ll first complete their assessment through the dashboard, and then revisit it to review their results and develop an action plan. The dashboard serves as a constant resource to them through the entire lifecycle of their assessment.
Coach Dashboard
Certified coaches at your organization will have special access to the coach dashboard, where they can manage their engagements, review assessments and action plans for the leaders they’re assigned to, get books and presentations to help them with their coaching sessions, and even provide input—all in a collaborative online system.
Organization Dashboard
Primary points of contact will be able to see the bigger picture of their organization’s assessment initiative by logging on to the organizational dashboard. There, they can monitor current activity, see how many people in a group have completed coaching, know who has created an action plan, and more. The dashboard is a convenient place for decision-makers to get a high-level view of the organization’s progress.
Direct-Link Surveys
Anyone completing a personality test or acting as a “rater” for a customer engagement, patient satisfaction or employee engagement survey will simply access a secure link that takes them directly to the online survey. We remove any need to access the assessment dashboard and instead make it easy for them to log on, complete the survey in 15-20 minutes, and save their progress if they need to pause. The seamless process ensures that you get the feedback you need in a timely manner.