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Info Worth Sharing

by Jennifer Taylor

Emerging Leaders

At Assessment+, we firmly believe in developing, acknowledging, and rewarding leaders at ANY and EVERY age. After all, leadership isn’t limited to those at the top of the corporate chain of executives. Leadership can be found in the child who goes out of their way…

Communication through Employee Engagement and Pulse Surveys

It is no surprise that communication is at the core of every article, assessment, and discussion regarding employee engagement and leadership development. After all, brilliant ideas are useless without the communication channels to convey them to others and interpersonal relationships are wholly built on various…

Top 6 Lessons from Military Leader Mark Hertling

The Riverside Military Academy auditorium was filled with 550 boys – boys ranging from Private First Class to Battalion Commander, young boys during some of their most critical developmental years, boys learning about leadership in their roles as Cadets every single day. Before them, Lieutenant…

Book Review: Make Your Bed by William McRaven

  Does it really matter whether you meticulously make your bed each and every morning? After all, you’re just going to mess it up later anyways, so isn’t it a waste of precious time to repeat this somewhat tedious task? Do the perfect corners and…

4 Reasons Coaching Is Critical After 360 Feedback

So you’ve completed the 360 feedback process, gotten your report, looked at your results, and…now what? Just like we use coaches to improve sport performance, coaches are also critical for improving work performance through providing encouragement, seeing things from a different perspective, and guiding us…

Ways to Boost Employee Engagement

There’s no getting around it: The absolute best way to boost employee engagement is to go directly to the source. Through routinely surveying an employee base – and actually listening to and acting upon their responses – any company can improve morale, happiness, and overall…